Book Lists · Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday: Trickster Characters

Happy Friday, everyone! Excited for the weekend? Got any plans? I’m camping, so that’s going to be fun. Anyway, Flashback Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Maya @ Her Bookish Desires. This week, we talk about trickster characters, in honor of April Fool’s. To be honest, I kind of blanked, but I’ll share what I’ve got.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

Well, I hate picking books that everyone is familiar with because you probably don’t need reminding of them, but Fred and George. I love them.

Matilda by Roald Dahl

I love the movie for this one, and I got the book out of a free stack a while back. I really need to read it! Because Matilda definitely pulls some epic tricks on her terrible parents.

Well, that is it for this week’s Flashback Friday! I know very well I’m overlooking some awesome trickster characters, but I totally blanked! Had to google for inspiration for Matilda, lol. Does anyone have some to remind me of?

Happy reading and hope your weekend is great!
Hayden Warren

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